Gaia Stone – Gaia Stone was discovered by workers in the surrounding area of Mt. St. Helens after the volcanic eruption several years ago. They discovered that when the volcanic ash was heated it quickly became a glassy green material of a beautiful color. The fact that this stone actually evolved from a volcanic eruption into this beautiful glassy stone is amazing, and accordingly, it carries a very strong Earth energy. The origins of this stone makes makes it very special.
the user. Awakens the subconscious mind and promotes intellectual, intuitive and mystical wisdom. It also eases stress and anxiety. Galaxite is helpful for astral travel and astral projection. – clears, balances and protects aura –
Galena – sometimes called a Stone of Harmony brings healing, calm and insight. It is a very strong grounding stone that brings both the strength and courage needed to deal with difficult situations, while helping one to overcome deep rooted fears. Galena is used by crystal healers to help counter addictions, and infections and to support cancer and detoxification treatments. It is also used to facilitate past life recall and for assisting one on the path of deep reflection and self-acceptance. – healing, calm, insight, grounding, addictions, past life recall, self reflection –
Garnet – This is a stone of purity and truth, in addition to being a symbol of love and compassion. A highly protective stone that increases confidence and security. It can bring order to chaos. It is said to bring positive thoughts and to be excellent for manifestation. It can also assist mystically with success in ones career and building ones self-confidence. It is known to produce flashes of insight to guide in your decisions.
Healer’s Gold – Healer’s Gold is a name given to a stone that is a mixture of pyrite and magnetite. Its striking appearance is a mixture of black and gold and it is considered to be an excellent stone for healers. The combination of the pyrite and magnetite results in a stone that is said to attract love, good fortune and power. It aids in decision making and is said to be very grounding and a stone of protection.

Hematite – Hematite is popular with healers and psychics for its shielding qualities. It is also known as a “stone for the mind”. It is wonderful for grounding and is a calming stone. You can work with hematite to focus, align, smooth, strengthen, and energize. This is another good crystal to use when looking for inspiration, need motivation, want to avoid “over-thinking a situation” and for the ability of keeping focused so you can stay on task and accomplish your goals.
Hematite can be used to improve relationships, It assists with original thinking, logical thinking, and mathematics. It decreases negativity and can help balance the body/mind/spirit. Hematite is associated with the root (base) chakra. Hematite is good at grounding out excess energy and acting as a stabilizing force. –calming, soothes, reduces stress –
Hematite Palmstone

Howlite – Howlite is a stone of awareness. It prepares one to receive wisdom and attunement from the Higher Self and the Divine. It helps release pain, stress & anger and is a wonderful stone for calming upset states of mind and emotion. It also instills calmness, knowledge, comfort, memory and progress. It works towards relieving an overactive mind. It can heal mentally, physically and emotionally. It can also assist one in becoming more subtle and using more tact. It is used to deal with stress, pain & rage, and is known as a Stone of Calming. It can be used to rid one of past negative events & to welcome new positive experiences. – calming, healing, inner-strength, meditation, stress reliever –
Howlite, White (White Howlite) – possesses all the attributes of Howlite (above). A calming and quietly loving stone, it works with the heart center, encouraging one to bring greater gentleness to others and difficult situations. – tact, patience –

Hypersthene – if you are searching for a solution or an answer to an issue or problem this crystal may help you to quickly find the answer. Meditating with this stone can help bring the solution you are looking for into your conscious mind. It is a good relationship crystal, helping to improve serious and more casual relationships and it is also credited with helping one to feel more at home in social situations. This is also a good crystal to use when you are feeling the “weight of the world” and need some down time and help relaxing and releases worries and tension that is blocking you from recharging. It is considered to be a restorative and relaxing crystal and wonderful to keep in your pillow case to help with sleep issues such as insomnia.
Iolite – is helpful in opening the third-eye chakra, the gateway to inner knowledge and understanding. It is considered to be soothing and peaceful, and helps to dissolve any fear or anxiety. It allows available information to come to you and can facilitate clear physic visions and clarity of dreams. An excellent stone for exploring past lives, meditation and astral travel. – healing, calmness, psychic visions, comfort –
Indigo Gabbro (Merlinite) – Indigo Gabbro (Merlinite) has such an interesting energy, the kind of energy that almost feels magnetic to me. It is a powerful grounding and protection stone.
Indigo Gabbro is a fairly new crystal found in Madagascar. It is said to awaken the Third Eye, stimulate the “clair-senses” and your natural intuitive abilities. For some people, it has an incredibly strong grounding effect, in others it’s a bit more subtle. It is also considered to be a good choice for Reiki workers for its ability to channel energy. Indigo Gabbro is also considered to be a powerful protective stone that is said to transmute negative energy.

Infinite Stone – has an angelic, loving and gentle energy. It is excellent for opening the Crown Chakra. It heals all areas of the self and removes negativity from the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual self. It fills you with a wonderful sense of inner peace. Infinite Stone can help you to connect with the spirits of nature and is excellent for healing the etheric body. – protection, power, relaxation, restfulness, telepathy –