Danburite – these are rare crystals or calcium borosilicate, the best of which are usually found in Mexico. They powerfully radiate bright, pure, white light which in turn fills the crystal worker with a loving light. Increases psychic vision and promotes connection with angels and guides while opening visual awareness or other realms, planets, and dimensions.
Danburite intensifies all other healing energies as well and it is often called the “stone of joy and celebration” encouraging people to get along with others. Danburite helps to expand and enhance ones field of awareness. it is said to be useful to those who wish to consciously access inner guidance and is also used to promote the state of lucid dreaming in meditation.
Danburites are powerful aids to the attainment of higher states because of their natural resonance with the higher frequencies of the human vibrational spectrum in everyday use. Danburite can provide a feeling of connection to the heavenly realms giving one access to serenity and inner wisdom in one’s daily encounters. Danburites combine well with almost all gemstones but have a special synergy with Moldavite, Phenacite, Tanzanite, Azeztulite and Seraphinite . – excellent healing tool, strengthens mind, increases awareness
Desert Rose – is related to selenite. It assists with clarity in thinking, perception, and mental vision. Quiets the mind and quiets worry.
Aids in bringing material pursuits related to business endeavors. Encourages one’s nature to be more flexible, make decisive decisions and removes energy blockages. Promotes a sense of serenity, prosperity, and peace. Can ease one into a meditative state. Desert Rose can be used for helping one be open to or see their spiritual path or purpose more clearly in times of uncertainty. Desert Rose promotes forgiveness and positive thoughts, making it excellent for letting go of current or past traumas.- purity, clarity, positivity
Dumortierite – Encourages one to be more receptive to the Angelic Realm, Promotes harmony, orderliness, precision and self-discipline, as well as the increase the ability to organize. Assists in finding your soulmate and repairing tumultuous relationships. Helps us become more businesslike, tidy, methodical and systematic. – confidence, self-love, mental clarity, soulmate
Eilat Stone – Its frequency corresponds for use with the Throat and Heart Chakras. Heals and flushes out fear, stress, hurt, and loss. This stone combines the properties of chrysocolla, copper and turquoise. This stone is known as “the Sage” as it assists in the attainment of growth towards wisdom. Cleanses negativity from its environment. – emotional healing, peace, wholeness, creative problem-solving, self-expression –
Elestial Himalayan Quartz – This crystal is also knows as “Alligator Quartz”, “Skeletal Quartz” and “Jacare Crystal”. Elestial can be translated to mean Crystal of the Angels, a name which describes this Crystal’s strong connection to the Angelic Realm. They are said to represent supreme knowledge and to hold great power and mystery. Examined closely you may see unusual etchings on the surfaces and interesting internal fractures and cavities. Each piece once inspected closely takes on a beauty and mystery of its own. It is said that they are powerful emotional healers, but will bring old pains and buried issues to the surface in order to be worked through.
They are said to have a wonderful spiritual vibration and a strong energy connection with Celestial beings, that allows you to connect to and to receive guidance, love and light from the Angelic and Spiritual Realms. They are said to be a soul healer and to aid in resolving spiritual conflicts within oneself. They are also known for fostering the clair-senses. – Angelic connection, stress, anxiety, transformation, depression, clairvoiance, psychic awareness –
Eudialyte – is a wonderful crystal for pulling oneself up emotionally as well as being a wonderful support for dealing with change and making decisions. This crystal works very well with the Heart Chakra bringing joy, loving and uplifting feelings. Many times Eudialyte occurs with black tourmaline adding a protective and grounding element to the stone.
Fluorite – Opens the Heart, Throat and Crown Chakras and aligns the spirit with the physical plane. Flourite produces an energy that promotes aptitude, discernment and is said to assist with creating order from chaos. It provides a stabilizing energy, helping relationships and individuals flourish in a realm which is beneficial to both.In addition to cleansing and stabilizing the aura, it absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress.
Fluorite is also helpful for inspiring new ideas and keeping you focused and on task. Concentration is increased as well as self confidence, while it balances the positive and negative relationship of the mind. Fluorite heightens your intuitive powers and also helps you to see both reality and truth behind illusion, it encourages and sustains the ideal of health, intellect, and emotional well-being. – aids in learning, energy balancer – Chakra: Brow/Third Eye, Zodiac: Capricorn, Pisces, Aquarius
Fuchsite – Encourages one to be lighthearted, compassionate and brings friendliness. Fuschite is an excellent stone for healers, because enhances the power of other minerals. It assists you during meditation, to access information regarding your life path. It opens the third eye chakra. – caring, crystal enhancer
Fulgurite, is sometimes called “Fossilized Lightning” due to the fact that this material is formed when lightning hits sand, silica, or rock fusing the raw material into a hollow tubelike shape. Metaphysically, fulgurite is considered to be excellent for manifestation.
Fulgurite – is said to support clairaudience and to encourage one to filter out “noise” to enable the understanding of messages or guidance from the universe or other realms. Fulgurite is also used to enhance dreams or the remembrance of dreams.