I love that word. I pulled this card today, I am filled with tranquility. I have not been feeling very tranquil 🙂 To be honest I have had many moments of sad lately – my Dad is leaving me, or he has left already as he doesn’t know me any more because of his dementia, I’ve lost two family members in the last 4 months, my grandmother is 99 and not well, etc, etc. I know, it’s just called life. But wow, life can feel hard at times, and sad, and unfair, and yes, thank goodness, it can also feel great, and happy, and wonderful too.
Life can make us feel very not tranquil. I am still trying to figure out why it’s so much WORK to feel calm, tranquil, relaxed. It doesn’t seem like it should take so much effort to just chill. Why isn’t it easier?
Today I am actually moving this affirmation card with me from room to room. At one point I sat on the floor with the dogs and cats and told each one that I am filled with tranquility. Did it make me feel tranquil? Not really, but I’m working on it (there it is again, I still think it shouldn’t be work!)
Actually, it made me laugh, and then I laid down and they all started climbing on me, one of the kittens bit my nose, another cat’s collar got stuck in my hair, one of the dogs crushed my rib cage and someone sneezed a big sneeze on me. So I wouldn’t quite call it tranquility, but I gave myself several minutes to be happy. I am going to hold on to that feeling for as long as I can today. A gift to me, from me!
So, I am taking stock – my worst moments of the past week were my Dad being in the hospital and my poor Mom trying to deal with his illness, and my Bella being so sick (both Dad and Bella are getting better).
My best moments were my youngest son playing a game and trying to pronounce the word DWARF – he says DORF – my daughter asking me for my favorite juicing recipe, and my oldest son telling me he is going to text the youngest one (I just think it’s cute since we just got the younger one his first real phone). Not earth shattering amazing stuff, but those three things are what makes my life happy. And I can’t not mention the huge pink note Keith left me this morning saying I LOVE YOU!! I hope you have a great day!!
So, here’s a thought, without the sad stuff, would the good stuff be as good? Do we need to know sadness to know happiness? Something for me to think about 🙂
I hope that if you’re reading this you find just a few minutes to be FILLED WITH TRANQUILITY – or do something that makes you happy, because after reading this back to myself, I think I may actually be feeling a bit tranquil, or happy, or just still. And I like it 🙂
Love you guys!