This morning after unloading the dishwasher, feeding the animals, getting my son out the door for school, I did something for ME. I took a bubble bath – a real bubbly, bubble bath with my best bubble bath stuff that Keith got me for Mother’s Day, all my rough rose quartz, candles, hot compress over my eyes, a no kitties allowed in the bathroom bath – the real deal!

A few twinges of guilt snuck up on me – I have orders to pack, emails to answer, etc, and it felt funny since my kids are at school studying, my husband was going to work, and here I was lounging on a “work” day. I’ve been thinking about this idea of taking a break for a while. Actually, Keith and my daughter have been forcing me to. I have something called trigeminal neuralgia, and I am lucky as it is not as severe as it can be, it comes and goes and I can manage it. I actually haven’t had an attack in about 6 weeks and I usually have high energy and feel really good. But during the middle of the summer I did have daily pain and it was a struggle to get things done. I think my daughter was getting afraid something was going to happen to me and Keith just wanted me to stop working so hard because he was afraid not enough sleep and working 7 days a week were triggering the neuralgia. I disagreed so I didn’t slow down.
Now, after taking stock, I know I am working too hard and too many long hours so I am learning BALANCE. I pulled an affirmation card this week that talks about balance and I am going to work it! I have this thing I do, mostly for me, but sometimes when people write to me to ask about incorporating crystals and affirmations into their daily routines so I am going to make it more accessible for everyone and maybe some of us can do it together going forward.
I know I don’t always have the time or discipline to pull daily affirmations lately, and I think I benefit more when I focus longer and more steadily on one thing for several days or weeks at a time. Pulling a daily card has worked for a long time, but I want to really focus on one aspect of ME and give it some time to make a difference, really work it!

I have my herb pouch with essential oils, a bottle of an oil I use in a diffuser and to “refresh” the herb pouch, some tumbled stones in a pouch to carry, although since I am home most of the time, I keep them on the pouch on my desk (I like to see them), although I keep them in my bra or pocket too, and the wordstone that follows me from room to room, sleeps in my pillowcase with me, or gets dropped into my bag when I go out, and my affirmations.
Basically, this is my ME work collection. Focusing on one thing that is important to me for self improvement and happiness. I like it. It feels like a really positive thing with the power to help me grow. I’m thinking that starting October or November I will offer everyone the exact same collection that I am going to work on that month. I’ll include several affirmations that can be used under a grid, or for meditation and all the pieces of the collection that I put together for myself. I can offer a different collection every month or 4 to 6 weeks. I do think we need a good 30 day window to work on each aspect.

Then some of us can do this together, it will help people add some crystals that they can use for supplementing grids or pouches, or keep as is for when they want to work on a particular aspect that could use some bolstering up! We can share progress, or new affirmations, or new ways to use the components in the collection. I was thinking of just offering them monthly, or maybe for a three month order I can send a ceramic diffuser the first month as a gift.
Lots of thoughts, lots of ideas, I think it would be a useful tool for me, for sure, but maybe for some of you. Feel free to write to me to let me know what you think!
Love you guys! Enjoy, find your BALANCE, find your ME time, and many ~Crystal Blessings~