I had no time to run to the mail box yesterday so this morning I ran (yes, I actually ran, a semi-run is probably more accurate) to get two packages that were waiting for me.  My Essential Lenormand book and my new deck of cards, Gilded Reverie!  Tonight I will sit out back 2016-02-03 Tarot Blog 2(ok, one good thing about the move to Texas is that in February I can sit outside on the patio and not freeze to death.  Added bonus, the sky here is really big with lots of stars 🙂 )

I will go through each card, pass each one through some burning sage and lavender and then place them in a wood box with selenite and angelite and let them be for a day.  In the meantime, I will go through my new book and look forward to my first reading with my new deck.  Lenormand readings are different than classic 78 card deck Tarot o2016-02-03 Tarot Blog 3r Angel cards and I always enjoy something new so I am very excited about these beautiful cards.

I always incorporate crystals with readings as I feel it adds that extra layer of energy to my results and enjoyment of the experience.  I’ll let you know the results of my first “official” reading with this beautiful new deck in a few days.

Be well, be happy, and may the Universe shower blessings upon you,


Divination, Card Reading & Yes! Gilded Reverie is here!

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